

When I get drunk at home I like to pee in the backyard behind the pool, in the dark, and bathed in moonlight. Peeing outside is like swimming naked.

Anyway, I caught about ten minutes of “RoboCop” this morning before work. But this isn’t a RoboCop post, rather, it’s a Ryan McClune post inspired by RoboCop. Oddly enough, seeing RoboCop reminded me of a particularly disturbing memory from my childhood.
If you have ever experienced the sudden resurrection of a repressed memory, the way it finds its way from the back of your mind and into the front, or snaps into being from out of nothingness – than you certainly know how I felt today in front of the television watching Encore or Starz or something and seeing RoboCop.

By the way, the following story is entirely true.

When I was about ten years old, my Dad took me to some sort of car show – the convention center sort of thing with automobiles of the future and women dressed in bikinis. Well, the highlight of this particular early 1990’s car show was going to be the appearance of RoboCop, a RoboCop cameo if you will. So, there I was, eight years old or ten or whatever, eagerly awaiting Robocop and the thrills he was most certainly there to provide. I remember sitting there with other kids my own age and feeling restless at the fact that the RoboCop appeared to be late. So I got up, walked to over to a kind of curtained off area where RoboCop was to appear from, withdrew the curtain (ever so slightly), and had myself a bit of a peek. I don’t know what I expected to see, R2-D2 maybe, or other Robocops. Anyway, what I saw was perhaps the most horrific sight a boy of my age could ever lay virginal eyes upon (except maybe seeing one’s parents make passionate love). And what was it that I saw? I saw a middle-aged man in thong underwear putting on a cheap plastic Robocop costume. I think I lost my childhood innocence that day, I think we all did.

So, that’s the blog then. I’m disappointed too.

P.S. Jeff, “Say Anything” is much better than “Better off Dead” (that sentence sounds terrible).


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Because this post was written by a drunk Ryan I will not be commenting on it until I am drunk.

At 5:52 PM, Blogger ryanmick05 said...

Jeez, this post didn't go over so well. Tough crowd.

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Mick, you hadnt updated in what seemed like a couple weeks, so I wasnt checking as frequently. What the hell was this guy wearing a thong for? hahaha...I walked into McGarry's room once and he was definitely wearing a thong....very odd

At 8:10 AM, Blogger J-Man said...

I'm embarrassed to say that I've never actually seen RoboCop (any of them).

I still submit that Better Off Dead is superior to Say Anything. Better Off Dead has the fat kid from "Head of the Class," Booger from Revenge of the Nerds, and a very Zabka-esque blonde bully. Doesn't get much better than that.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

McClune, I enjoyed this post, almost as much as I enjoyed the masterpiece staring Peter Weller, as I said in my first post, I am waiting until I am truly drunk to reply. I believe that this weekend will provide the correct time.

At 2:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ok, here is my response. I would like to say that there is a new Robocop in the works. Ryan, we all have things that happened to us in life that changed us forever, I guess you defining moment was Robocop in a thong, who knows what that means. Anyway, I guess there is not that much to this post however I would like to say one important thing.

Better off Dead vs. Say Anything. No way Better off dead is better. It is behind breakfast club, sixteen candles, SAY ANYTHING, jeff you are wrong live with it. You have no idea what you are taking about.

At 12:29 PM, Blogger J-Man said...

Vince, your grammar, punctuation, and capitalization are terrible.

I do agree that most 80s movies are far behind Breakfast Club. Other than the boombox scene in Say Anything, what else is there? Rubbish, that's what.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

John Cusack, from Chicago, makes any movie great. The quality of my writing was piss poor, I know. I pulled an all nighter on wednesday night, didn't sleep on thursday then was out from 9:30am until 4:00am at the bars, I could do anything good.

At 7:25 AM, Blogger J-Man said...

I think it's about time for a new post, yes?


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