
Back by popular demand

Despite that fact that I am clearly a creative genius I am really struggling with this particular blog entry. It’s probably cold feet and I think the pressure is getting to me. Topics, titles, and anecdotes – I got nothing.
But I could go the personal route though. Ryan McClune is working. Ryan McClune lives with his parents. Ryan McClune is single. The weight of the world has crushed Ryan McClune’s hopes and dreams. Like Palahniuk says in Fight Club, “We are all taught to believe we will grow up to be millionaires and movie stars, but it isn’t happening” – that’s paraphrased of course.
I could go political. For example, my adopted state of California is completely broke and issuing I.O.U.’s rather than proper tax returns. And the Governator, as he’s affectionately referred to, is only making matters worse. This is understandable if you’ve seen the critically acclaimed film Junior. If my dear readers need a bit of a reminder, the movie involves a swollen Arnold Schwarzenegger becoming pregnant and making cinematic history.
So, on to other things.
I’m delighted to see renewed interest in my blog and I hope to begin updating more often. Please respond with any ideas for future updates because I would be glad to oblige. If you want another post about Star Wars or soccer or even another poem in the same spirit as the one I did for that poor lizard, I would be more than happy to do so.
By the way, as I’m writing this, I still haven’t decided on the picture for this post, so, it will probably be entirely unrelated to the aforementioned.
P.S. Jamie Katzen Esq. – does “Esq.” mean you are officially a fancy lawyer or just a normal lawyer.


At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's back!! I needed this

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, the blog is back, I truly like this one. You mentioned Stars Wars Ryan but you forget, we have a Star Trek movie coming out in May. Blog idea: Captain Picard vs. Captain Kirk.

Does Jamie really read this?

What is the reason for the crystal pepsi?

I believe we can make this into a very popular blog. Imagine, one million hits a day.

I would also like to use this moment to let everyone know that davis was all worked up because he realized that, about 3 years ago, a picture of him was placed on the blog. Davis, i think there is a length of time where your concerns become null and void.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger J-Man said...

Welcome back!

I'm still waiting for the Teen Wolf Blitzer post.

Vince, Star Trek is lame and weak (like the Steelers).

At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


You wanted a war? you got one. My first strike will be coming shortly. And McClune I really hope you don't listen to Vince and turn this blog into a Trekkie message board. Hey Vince, Your retainer looks like a Klingon Warship!!!

At 9:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Davis, if you want the picture down just ask McClune to do it. I cannot.

It is a Klingon Bird of Prey, not warship. Ryan I think we need to educate these people.

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, I have also placed "An Interstellar Burst" in my bookmarks.

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Jayhawkaholic said...

Jamie's use of Esq. doesn't mean he's a lawyer at all, as it means Esquire or "Gentleman". Anyone can use it, it has no legal ramifications other than you cannot present yourself as Esq and then give legal advice if that person you're speaking to thinks you are a lawyer. You should do a blog post about yourself becoming an esquire. As I have recently accomplished through correspondence classes with The University of Phoenix Online. Congrats to me; Gregory Wayne Summers, Esq.

At 8:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, thank you for the enthusiastic support. And to anwser a few of your questions:

Vince: crystal clear pepsi vaguely refers to my lame title "back by popular demand" (as if it were to one day come back which of course it wont because it tasted like cough medicine). "One million hits a day", are your havin laugh, is he havin a laugh (thats an "Extras" reference). Also, if you look at the last update from over a year ago, Jamie responded to that one but I have no idea when. It could of been last week or last year.

Davis: I can take that picture down if you'd like, no problem. Also, no worries about the Star Trek stuff, and although i like Star Wars and did post a few Star Wars related posts, they were really just an irreverent attempt at mocking cultural icons.

Summertimes: Thanks for the info regarding esquires.

Jeff: I'm currently working on my Teen Wolf Blitzer post. Hopefully if should be done tommorrow because i've actually had to do some research for it. Wolf Blitzer's Wikipedia page is very long and very boring. But just to whet everyone's whistle, did you know that Wolf played keyboards for a band called 'The Monkeys' while in high school (no, not that Monkeys). Anyway, I hate Wolf Blitzer, his silly name, and equally silly sounding "The Situation Room". I mean come on, "The Situation Room", as if an unproportionate amount of situations take place in that particular room.

At 10:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Can we also have a blog devoted to Spicoli?

At 4:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont worry about taking the picture down, I could really care less. I was just giving Vince a hard time because like 6 years ago we had some pictures up on facebook of him with a bloody nose and he freaked out on me. Anywho, leave the pic up, as it is glorious and it can also serve as a reminder for me to never use cocaine ever again. Vince... Truce?? I like the Spicoli idea.

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Davis, check out healy's comments under the photo.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger J-Man said...

Whatever I said was said with the utmost respect. No need to drag me into this, Vince. You're not even barfworthy.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

You know, i was thinking. Maybe Mr. Katzen is using esq. as a brit. He loves to mention that he is british and was born there.

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting thoughts, i am excited to see future posts.

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Jayhawkaholic said...

Wondering if I should start mine back up. Anyone ever even see it?

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I was reading some of the older posts, and I decided to re read the lizard poem and its comments. Beautiful poem by the way Ryan, but it does resemble the poem Jack Burns (Robert DeNiro) reads about his mother in "Meet the Parents" Moving on, in the comments section following the poem, someone brought up Pizza the racoon which made me start to feel nostalgic and reminisce on my days spent at the McClune-Fox household in what I think was the year 2005. Long story short, Pizza needs a blog post in his honor.

At 12:03 PM, Blogger Seth said...

First of all Ryan I would like to say that it is never too late to chase your dreams. They probably won't come true but it is still fun to try and always makes for a good excuse for one's lack of prosperity. Can I request a blog post addressing the rise of Emo kids in the world. I suggest this recent Time Magazine article for inspiration http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1725839,00.html?xid=site-cnn-partner . Also, how about those Americans defeating the Mexicans 2-0 the other night. I would like to point out that my Manchester United is the hott tits of the EPL and your Arsenal squad is more like the saggy old man balls.

At 6:44 PM, Anonymous Simon Skinner said...

McClune, Cathe and I are having a wedding reception on October 23 at Macelli's in Lawrence. It's the same day as KU's homecoming game. I know you are against setting foot in Lawrence again, but you there in when it all started. Can you make it?

At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Simon Skinner said...

*you were there when it all started.


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