I better get a Nobel prize for this
Inspiration is an odd thing, especially when if comes in the form of Chinese food. Perhaps it has something to do with Confucius (sp?) or Lao Tzu or maybe the inherent wisom of the fortune cookie. Nontheless, last night while dining at a local asian eatery a long held opinion of mine was once again confirmed. More on that to come.
It was once said that Zeus had several daughters known as the 'Muses' who had the ability to inspire mankind to create wonderful works of art and music. Maybe he adopted a chinese baby too.
Some men have spent their entire lives in search of 'universal' or 'scientific' laws of nature. Newton, Einstien, Boyle, and Copernicus just to name a few. And hey, scientific community, get ready to add McClune to that list.
I give you (drum roll)........"McClune's universal law of grammatical and/or spelling errors on Chinese restaurant take-out menus" (working title).
Try to disprove it, go ahead, you can't-Its universal. Every Chinese restaurant will have at least one spelling or grammatical error on its take-out menu.
P.S. I should have worked on this post a bit more, I hurried it. Please excuse the ironic spelling errors as well.
I can't eat fortune cookies anymore really. My family used to always play the "in bed" game where you say "in bed" after you read your fortune for good laughs... Well my Mom without a thought just belts out her's: "Every exit is an entrance to new experiences [in bed]", and I died a little inside.
Mcclune, you WILL get a Nobel prize for this. There is no doubt in my mind. I will get to my blogging soon enough. There will be more.
Greg, your story disturbs me.
Sorry I haven't been online lately, the old emachine is now kaput.
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