Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance
It turns out that the mystery caller/stalker/murderer was just Zach. Case Closed.
Last night I got to thinking about "Sprockets". The SNL skit featuring Mike Myers as Dieter, a German T.V. show host. I went ahead and did a little research and found quite a bit. Here are a coulple of classic quotes.
"Would you like to touch my monkey? Touch him! Love him!"
"Karl-Heinz, you are beautiful and angular, and if you were a gas, you'd be inert."
"Gregor, your presence intimidates me to the point of humiliation. Would you care to strike me?"
"Why is it that the truly brilliant are doomed to a life of obscurity, surrounded by a sea of mediocrity, only to end up covered in sores in a pool of their own filth?"
P.S. I could really go for some refreshing broth right about now
P.S.S. Arsenal 2-0. Now that's a fucking dancer.
Champions League on Tuesday (Go Gunners)
There are certain individuals, businesses, and branches of the military that I would prefer to avoid for the rest of my life. As a result, I always screen my calls. Over the last 4 or 5 days I have recieved a number of calls from a particularly strange phone number. The number leaves no voicemail, nor is there any pattern to the time of its calls. The number is : 913-209-3843. It looks sort of familiar but I'm afraid that it will end up being someone that I owe money to or someone who represents a certain branch of the military. Anyway, Arsenal play Juventus tommorow @ Highbury and I belive it is on ESPN2 @ 12:00 pt. It should be a fantastic game especially with the return of Viera. Also, I just downloaded the "call on me" remix. I used to have it but I deleted it about a year ago. I'm not kidding when I say this song makes me feel like dancing. I remember it heating up the dance floor at McGary's place and the way it made me feel when that house music just takes control.
Quote of the day: "They used that stuff on racehorses for christsake." Bob, Fight Club
I can't think of anything
I can't think of anything. And on top of this, Arsenal got rained out @ Portsmouth, apparently it rains a lot in Britain. I'm only going to post this picture of Francesc Fabregas, the future of Arsenal's midfield; a very young and very talented Spainish international. Also a quote from the greatest story ever told,
Fight Club.
"What did you study Raymond?"
"Really, were the mid-terms hard?"
In Memorium
Jeff, I am very disappointed in the comment that you left. Also, I have no idea how to spell the name of that particular Gungan either. As a matter of fact, I’m not even entirely sure I’m spelling Gungan right. Anyway, I’m having trouble thinking of things to put into this blog, you could call it ‘blog writer’s block’. The only subjects I can think of at the moment are just too embarrassing or gross to publish online.
Vince, you have a lot of class ideas for this blog. Keep it up. But never bring up that damned lizard again; I don’t like being reminded that I was once an accessory to a crime against nature.................... And that’s it I think. The first posting of this new and improved an interstellar burst will be dedicated to that tiny creature (I forget it’s name) who still haunts my dreams. So, in accordance to what I think would have been its final wishes, I will construct an original poem in his/hers honor.
Goodnight Sweet Prince by Ryan McClune
Goodnight sweet prince, may you’re dreams come true.
You could have been eaten and painfully digested by a snake,
But you weren’t.
You didn’t cry when the hunger became unbearable,
Because you lack the vocal chords to do so.
But I could here you’re telepathic cries for help,
You’re shouts and screams into the void of the night.
I loved you lizard king, I really did.
But you hurt the ones you love.
Goodnight sweet prince,
In this blog you shall live forever.
P.S. If you would like to say a few words as one usually does during such an occasion, feel free to comment. Also, Is it just me or does this Chameleon look a lot like the Gungan from the previous post.
Under Construction
I've decided to change the blog. But worry not, for it shall return (probably tonight) and when it does, I promise it will as wonderous as it ever was. Also, leave comments of any ideas you might have on making it beautiful again. When the blog first began, it was pure and innocent, full of naive aspirations, glorious hopes, and brilliant dreams (like a young Ryan McClune). Now, for lack of a better word, it basically sucks. So, as you wait in eager anticipation, I will leave you with this lovely caricature of the world's greatest living Gungan.