I can't upload a picture for some reason
When i get bored, i get really bored. By the way, I thought about spelling "bored" like this: "boooreeed". It would emphasis the really part.Anyways, at this exact moment, I'm watching this music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0-5dG_oX-Y . I think its a bunch of gay guys doing "E" and listening to dance music. Which is only slightly more gay than me blogging and drinking white wine (don't judge).
sometimes, when I'm entirely out of ideas, and eighties sitcoms just aren't amusing enough, I click the top left button of this web page, the one that says "next blog".
I think I'm overdoing it with the quotes.
to my next point then, I just clicked it and this is what I got: http://babybelledesigns.blogspot.com/
Its really creepy isn't it?
I reminds me of the baby photograph equivalent to Giger's art.
About a month ago, I did an antidepressant post so I think its only neccessary for me to inform you that I started a new one last week.
The main side effect is that I can't sleep at night. Consequently, I'm up around 2:00 a.m. listening to that "Sham-WOW" guy trying to tell me how to live my life. Apparently he got a DUI.
"I know the Germans make great stuff but I'm not buying your crummy product. I've been burned by infomericals before" - In another life, I would have emailed that to him.
p.s. if any of the grammer, capitilization and spelling is off, its because I can't spell check this post for some reason.