I can't think of a title
Last night I got to watching Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and it left me with a few questions pertaining to the Star Wars galaxy as a whole. For instance, "What species does Yoda belong to?"
So I went online to solve these galactic riddles and stumbled upon a beautiful creature I had previously forgotten. Remember the cackling little slimeball that hugged the side of Jabba the Hutt throughout Return of the Jedi. The one that laughed so hysterically at the misfortunes of others and eventually tried to destroy C3PO by tearing out his wiring. Get this, he has a name and a beautiful name it is: Salacious Crumb.
For more information on Salacious visit: http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/salaciouscrumb/
Here's some questions for my loyal readers:
1) Does the Salacious Crumb post indicate aninterstellarburst reaching an all time low?
2) Have you ever had a Salacious Crumb sex dream?
P.S. I have not had a Salacious Crumb sex dream. But, I have had many sex dreams involving Princess Leia in the slave outfit and more often than not, Salacious is watching.
P.S. It turns out that George Lucas has never revealed the species of Yoda.
to be truthful i have not had any sex dreams involving any characters from the star wars universe. and yes, this post does show that the blog is at an alltime low and now it can only go up which i know it will.
Is that all you have to say about one of the most underappreciated characters in Star Wars history. I think the Salacious post is a reflection of my blog's popularity and recent success.
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