
Apathy has cost you the trip of a lifetime

Nobody entered the contest, so I win by default. I am going to Dagobah and partying with Yoda. Fuck the lot of you.


At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would go to Kashyyyk if i were you it has a more variety of enviroments. Ocean, beaches, trees and mountains. Little known fact in Return of the Jedi the orginal had the Death Star around Kashyyyk (who uses 3 y's) and Wookies built the Death Star as slave labor. It was later changed to Endor, I don't know why but Kashyyyk would have been cool, tons of Wookies. I leave you with a few quotes: "You’re all looking at me, you’re going “well yeah, you’re a success, you’ve achieved you’re goals, you’re reaping the rewards, sure. But, OI, Brent! Is all you care about chasing the yankee dollar?” Let me show you something I always keep with me. Just a little book, Collective Meditations, and it’s a collection of philosophers, writers, thinkers, native American wisdom, which I, and it’s really showing you that, er, the spiritual side needs as much care and attention as the physical side. It’s about feeding the soul, yeah? Evolving spirituality. And a foreword by Duncan Goodhew, so...
Can I read one-which I think- “If all men were to bring their miseries together in one place, most would be glad to take each, his own, home again, rather than take a portion out of the common stock.” It’s saying, for the first time, you know, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, don’t look over your neighbour’s fence and go “ooh he’s got a better car than me, ooh, he’s got a more attractive wife.” We all wake up and we go “oh, I ache, I’m not 18 any more, you know, I’m thirty ni- you know, I’m in my thirties, I’m not-”, but so what, at least I’ve got my health. And if you haven’t got your health-if you’ve got one leg, at least I haven’t got two legs missing. And if you have lost both legs and both arms, just go “at least I’m not dead!”
I’d rather be dead in that situation, to be honest. I’m not saying people like that should be...you know, put down. I’m saying that, in my life, I’d rather not live without arms and legs because...I’m just getting into yoga, for one thing. So....” "no no I'd throw the brother out bend them all over and do the drummer, the lead singer and that one who plays violin." "For fucks sake"

At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really have nothing to say. I would say I'm speechless. The words of the great Ryan McClune have once again rocked me to the core. He touches me in places I didn't even know existed. Keep the blog alive!

And now a quote from possibly one of the greatest cinematic features of all time: Pump Up the Volume -
"This school sucks!"

At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In addition to what I just wrote, I was thinking about the title of this here blog. Your inspiration may have come from somewhere else, but it would be amazing if it came from a little Radiohead song entitled "Airbag." I hope this is true. If it isn't, I will be crushed.
Here's another fabulous movie quote from also one of the greatest cinematic features of all time: Ford Fairlane (starring the Great Andrew Dice Clay) - "Here's to you, suckin my dick...Oh!"

At 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i could go on a trip anywhere i would not really care where it is, i would just want to go with the spaceman so he can answer some things (it will be racial)

At 1:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I check this thing more than the person who writes it, do someting with it.


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